The script of the second act of the Serie A2 TIM promotion playoffs final between Mare&Volley Forli and Marmi Lanza Verona is respected by the home team. Molducci’s formation go on court giving their best from the very first ball. Verona do not manage to do the same, the guest team make too many mistakes giving points to the opponents. At Forli Palafiera, Forli find their best service making straight points with Spescha and Rodrigues but their are able to make the other side struggle at reception from the three metres. Sottile is forced to slow down their game, Forli is good at blocking at digging and optimising counterattack.

Verona does not manage to react, Alberto Giuliani tries to put Janic in instead of Canzanella, but the set is already decided, Forli wins 25-15. More balance in the second set, Verona confirms Janic in zone 4. Forli has something extra, determination and attention are their weapons hitting each ball harder. Marmi Lanza’s game growa but theiy still feel the pressure of this match.

Of course Verona’s reaction arrives in the third set. Their game is still far from the one in Match 1 but Janic and Gato lead their team to victory. Forli is there though and towards the end of the set, thanks to an ace by Bozko they go to -1, but that is it because the yellow and blue find the right accelleration to close the set.

Forli sets the rhythm in the fourth set again. Creus Larry is still on court, despite the obvious problems to his left shoulders, is the symbol of their determination towards match 3.

Modlucci’s men service carries on being piercing, but in this set Forli is superior overall with Marco Loglisci good with his blocking too. Forli become more confident and head to heat they conquer the set worth the match and the decisive one in Verona on the 1st of june. That will be a battle for the Serie A1 TIM.

Simone Spescha (Mare&Volley Forlì): “Winning at home was good. We playied a great match, putting a lot of pressure on them with our service and that was very important. We will play it all in Verona where we will be ready for another battle”.

Giacomo Bellei (Marmi Lanza Verona): “We have started badly in the first set but that did not affect the match in general because each set has a story of its own, they have given us a hard time in reception. There is no time to think about this defeat but match 3 and find the way to conquer the Serie A1 TIM”.





Mare&Volley Forlì – Marmi Lanza Verona 3-1 (25-15; 25-21; 22-25; 25-22)


Marmi Lanza Verona – Mare&Volley Forlì 3-1 (27-25; 25-22; 25-27; 25-20)








Match 1 1/05

Match 2 4/05

Match 3 07/05


Match 1 11/05

Match 2 14/05

Match 3 18/05

Match 1 22/05

Match 2 25/05

Match 3 01/06



2ª- Marmi Lanza Verona          2









 Marmi Lanza Verona 2





9ª- Olio Pignatelli Isernia         1











 Marmi Lanza Verona 1



5ª- SP TTTLines Catania          0









 Stilcasa Salento D’amare Taviano 0





6ª- Stilcasa Salento d’amare Taviano                                   2














3ª- Esse-ti Carilo Loreto         0









 Premier Hotels Crema 1





8ª- Premier Hotels Crema       2











 Mare&Volley Forlì 1



4ª- Mare&Volley Forlì              2

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