Prisma Taranto – Itas Diatec Trentino 1-3 (18-25; 25-23; 22-25; 19-25)

M. Roma Volley – Copra Nordmeccanica Piacenza 0-3 (20-25; 21-25; 27-29)

Antonveneta Padova – Famigliulo Corigliano 1-3 (25-20; 17-25; 20-25; 21-25)

Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari – Cimone Modena 3-0 (25-21; 25-19; 25-21)  
Lube Banca Marche Macerata – Perugia 1-3 (21-25; 25-19; 23-25; 21-25)

Andreoli Latina – Sparkling Milano 3-0 (25-23; 25-20; 29-27)

Mon Mar 17th, 20.30

Sisley Treviso – Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo (Live on SKY SPORT 2) 

Bartolini – Lavorenti




Itas Diatec TRENTINO 52; Bre Banca Lannutti CUNEO* 46; M. ROMA Volley 45; Lube Banca Marche MACERATA, Sisley TREVISO* 41; Copra Nordmeccanica PIACENZA 40; Acqua Paradiso Gabeca MONTICHIARI, Cimone MODENA 29; Sparkling MILANO 27; PERUGIA 24; Antonveneta PADOVA 23; Prisma TARANTO 22; Famigliulo CORIGLIANO 21; Andreoli LATINA 19.

*una partita in meno




M. Roma Volley – Copra Nordmeccanica Piacenza 0-3 (20-25; 21-25; 27-29)

M. Roma Volley: Mastrangelo 1, Henno (L), Coscione 1, Tofoli, Marshall 14, Molteni 4, Hernandez 9, Kooistra 11, Miljkovic 8, Semenzato 2, Romero 1. N E Giretto, Budani. Coach Serniotti

Copra Nordmeccanica Piacenza: Granvorka 13, Cozzi, Meoni 2, Boninfante, Santos Dutra (L), Zlatanov 13, Bravo 13, Gromadowski, Bovolenta 5, Bjelica 8. N E Rodriguez, Simeonov. Coach Lorenzetti

REFs: Santi – Pol

Notes – Spectators 1900, takings 7000, set length: 22’, 27’, 34’; tot. 83’.

Roma – M. Roma Volley’s no time carries on, with their third consecutive victory for 0-3. It’s Copra Nordmeccanica Piacenza defeating the Romans, the same Piacenza beaten in the Italian Cup’s quarter finals. Too many problems for them to worry not an exceptional Copra but still good at taking advantage of an undecisive Roma. The only positive note for Serniotti was Luigi Mastrangelo come back.

The emergenc grows for M. Roma. After Mastrangelo and Savani’s problems, Marco Molteni could not play either forcing Serniotti to give up on Milijkovic too (too many foreign players on court) using Romero in zone 4.

8-6 for Roma at first but Piacenza goes even with Romero then ahead with Zlatanov. On 14-17 Serniotti risks Molteni for Romero. Piacenza takes off (20-15) with great difficulty receiving for Roma. Piacenza closes on 25-20.

The second set carries on from the first one with 1-5 for Piacenza and 2-8 at the first TTO. After a long stop even Gigi Mastrangelo goes in for Serniotti replacing Andrea Semenzato. Roma tries to get back but Piacenza does it again and wins the set for 25-21.

Milijkovic goes in for Hernandez in the third set. Fortunately for Roma Piacenza starts making mistakes in attack and service, allowing the home team to go on 16-14.

Roma has the chance to close the set 3 times but they do not do it. Piacenza, on the other hand, takes advantage of the opportunities and closes the match quickly on 29-27.

Marco Meoni (Copra Nordmeccanica Piacenza): «We faced an M. Roma in difficulty due to their injuries and we have been good at taking advantage. We have many important appointments ahead, starting from the next championship challenges up to the Champions League».

Wytze Kooistra (M. Roma Volley): «I did not expect such a bad result. We started well then their service grew and made it difficult for us in reception. We lacked n lucidity and that, looking at the championship match against Trento and especially the Cev Cup’s Final Four at Easter, is worrying me».

MVP: Joao Paulo Bravo (Copra Nordmeccanica Piacenza)


Antonveneta Padova – Famigliulo Corigliano 1-3 (25-20; 17-25; 20-25; 21-25)
Antonveneta Padova
: Garghella (L), De Togni 6, Olli, Esko 2, Platenik 9, Tovo, Perazzolo 5, Diaz Mayorca 20, Bontje 10, De Marchi 7. N E Gottardo, Quarti. Coach Bagnoli

Famigliulo Corigliano: Ravellino 5, Carletti 1, Corvetta 1, Giovi (L), Raymaekers 5, Podrascanin, Kovacevic 19, Biribanti 3, Colaci (L), Maric 24, Gallotta 9. N E Lo Re. Coach Giuliani

REFs: Pasquali – Sampaolo
Notes – Spectators 2300, takings 5700, set length: 25’, 23’, 27’, 27’; tot. 102’.

Padova – A vibrant and delivate challenge at PalaNet, extremely important in terms of safety for both teams. Padova, after the victory in Modena, is after a peace of mind with regards to safety, while Corigliano wants to shorten the distances to get away from the penultimate place in the standings.

The match starts with one minute of silence to remember Sergio Michelini, great referee and referees director who worked between

1985 and 2001 in Serie B and Serie A.

Antoveneta Padova starts the match with an attitude, forcing coach Giuliani to call TO on 6-2 in favour of the home team. The first set has Padova’s signiture always 5 points ahead.

The second set becomes a lot more of a battle. Corigliano does not want to play the penultimate team in the standings and fights back with a Goran Maric in great shape. Corigliano takes off and it is then almost easy for Kovacevic and Maric to close on 17-25.

In the third set the teams seem even but at some point Corigliano takes over and wins 20-25 led by Maric and Kovacevic again.

Eloquent the mistakes in receptions made by Diaz, who normally flies on perfection.

The fourth set does not differ from the previous ones and without Perazzolo replaced by De Marchi and with Corigliano excited despite a few too many mistakes, the match closes on 21-25, which re opens Corigliano’s hopes and forces Padova to look for a difficult victory on saturday in Milan.

Luis Diaz (Antonveneta Padova): “It is a real shame. In the first set we did not make any mistakes. Then the wind changed and we did not manage to recover mentally. Corigliano was good at not giving up and taking advantage of our indecisions. Now we have to think of winning in Milan and that’s it”.

Antonio Corvetta (Famigliulo Corigliano): “We did not expect to take three points home, even though we did come with the right mentality. With this victory the championship reopens for us after thinking we had no more chances”.

MVP: Toni Kovecevic (Famigliulo Corigliano)


Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari – Cimone Modena 3-0 (25-21; 25-19; 25-21)  

Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari: Sala 11, Popp 5, Pesenti 1, Bojovic, Tiberti 1, Veres 16, Forni 7, Quartarone, Gavotto 19, Zito (L), Manià (L). N E Mor Carlo, Balbi. Coach Velasco

Cimone Modena: Tencati 3, Soli 2, Rinaldi (L), Dennis 8, Sartoretti, Nascimento 14, Heller 8, Endres 4, Casoli 3. N E Bertoli, Pagni, Krumins. Coach Giani

REFs: Locatelli – Barbero

Notes – Spectators 3000, takings 8500, set length: 25’, 25’, 28’; tot. 78’

Montichiari – Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari conquers a very important jackpot, going back to home success, with a straight 3-0, far from the memory of the first round of the championship. Good game, high rhythm, plenty of attitude for both teams.

Balanced first set up to the first TTO, when Montichiari starts gaining points and closes on 25-1 with a powerful hit by Gavotto.

the second set repeats the way the first one went. Great initial balance then Acqua Paradiso takes off agains and closes on 25-19 wit a great double ace by Gavotto.

In the last set, after a first phae spent running after each other, Montichiari takes over. This time it is Veres who closes the set (25-21) and the match.

Simone Tiberti (Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari): “We won with a good game, plenty of heart and attitude. I would say it could not have gone better. We conquered three important points. Let’s hope we can carry on playing like we did tonight”.

Andrè Heller (Cimone Modena): “Today it did not work…. no excuses. Fabio played really well. Now let’s think about the Cup next week which is very important for us. I do not want to choose between the play offs and the Cup”.

MVP: Peter Veres (Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari)



Lube Banca Marche Macerata – Perugia Perugia 1-3 (21-25; 25-19; 23-25; 21-25)

Lube Banca Marche Macerata: Lebl 13, Smerilli, Vermiglio 2, Bartoletti 1, Snippe, Saraceni 6, Monopoli, Geric 6, Corsano (L), Omrcen 14, Swiderski 18. N E Paparoni. Coach De Giorgi Perugia: Kovacevic 3, Tuerlinckx 1, Serafini, Pochini (L), Sintini 1, Kromm 6, Di Franco 10, Nemec 12, Pippi (L), Vujevic 14, Stokr 18. N E Proper, Braga. Coach Di Pinto
: Zecchini – Giani

Notes – Spectators 2020, takings 8400€, set length: 27’, 23’, 30’, 27’; tot. 107’.

Macerata – Lube Banca Marche Macerata – Perugia, the match with the highest number of ex’s of the Serie A1 TIM 9th round. Perugia starts well with a good service and Sintini’s inventions for MB’s Nemec and Di Franco. Lube gets back in the match straight away with Igor Omrcen’s service. Goran Vujevic takes his team by the hand and leads them to a three points break, practically cosing the first set with 60% in attack of the star from Montenegro.

Completely different the approach of the home team in the second set, with many points in attack and thanks to Mirko Corsano’s great digging.

It is almost a white&red monologue so that Vincenzo di Pinto tries to change things replacing Kromm with Tuerlinckx.

RPA does not lose it and plays the third set with great attention, also taking advantage of Lube’s mistakes in attack.

Lube takes over the game in the fourth set and Macerata is forced to a few changes.

The match goes on fire on 21-21 then Lube signs their first victory in history against Macerata.

Ferdinando De Giorgi (Lube Banca Marche Macerata): “We have made many mistakes, especially in the first set. That costed us the set, giving Perugia confidence. We, on the contrary, fell apart. Still this match was played badly on a technical level”.

Vincenzo DI Pinto ( Perugia): “Great performance, shame today’s results have not helped us. This is the right path though, we just need to carry on”.

MVP: Goran Vujevic ( Perugia)


Andreoli Latina – Sparkling Milano 3-0 (25-23; 25-20; 29-27)

Andreoli Latina: Messana, Mattera 3, Cardona 6, Barbareschi 10, Salmon 10, Zanuto 2, Scuderi (L), Garcia Pires Ribeiro 8, Alves Bernardo 15. N E Zaytsev, Tomassetti, Moretti. Coach Gulinelli

Sparkling Milano: Vicini (L), Millar 3, Nikic 6, Samica, Cortina, Bendandi, Martino 12, Kadziewicz 2, Spairani 7, Travica 1, Giombini 17. N E Gardner. Coach Ricci

REFs: Padoan – Sobrero

Notes – Spectators 1300, takings 6900, set length: 29’, 28’, 36’; tot. 93’
Latina – A match decided by Andreoli Latina’s eagerness to win. Mr gulinelli’s men grab 3 points against Sparkling Milano and carry on the way to safety. At PalaBianchini, Latina finds their 6th victory in this championship showing a great heart and technique everywhere.  Always in control of the match, Mattera and company have not had anythng given to them by the opponents who also paid for various absences. Great performance by Gilson, extemely effective in attack and very reactive with his digging. Applauded was “warrior” Barbareschi too who got the MVP. On the other side, Mr ricci needed more than Martino’s good service (5 aces) and Giaombini’s 17 points. As we said, Latina continues on its way to safety while Milano has to forget about this false step straight away if they want to go for the play offs.

Giorgio Barbareschi (Andreoli Latina): “I have been after such a match for a long time. Today I finally had the chance to do it giving my contribution to the team. We have not done anything yet though. We are facing 4 very difficullt matches and we know we cannot make any mistakes”.

Daniele Ricci (Sparkling Milano): “I expected such a motivated Andreoli. We have done our best to fight them. I think that giving how the match went, how the game was played, we would not have stolen anything if we had won a couple of sets”.

MVP: Giorgio Barbareschi (Andreoli Latina)