MAre&Volley doubles up in the playoffs the results of the regular season (3-0 at PalaFiera and 3-1 in Santa Croce) and gets to the semifinals.

One of the main actors of the success is spiker Simone Spescha, who broke the balance in the 4th set with 5 consecutive aces. “I am happy about my performance and the team’s one. Even if today we did not play as well as we did in match 1, we managed to avoid closinghte series straight away. My aces? I scored 5 last thursday too, but not all in a row…. let’s say I am physically fit at the moment. And I am happy about it, after a first part of the season which was up and down”

Coach Molducci draws the attention on another two factors:”Tension on court and the heat; two factord which stopped us from being at the top. We have not played very well, taking some useless risks too. Anyway I believe we will go on with merit”.

Sebastina Creus Larry, argentianian middle blocker at his second year in Italy: “Today we deserve a day off, then we want to start working again. Crema is a difficult opponent who grew very well in the past two weeks and they will not be the ones we beat for 3-0 in the championship. It is up to us to do well, playing better than what we did in this match 2”