“A performance with a capital P, an impeccable preparation of the match by Fant and Camperi, assisted by Mauro Tiberti” these are SD Michele Rota’s words.

“The boys have put into practice all the instructions given to them making it really hard for Forli straight away, Forli made mistakes at serving and they found in the Blues’ blocking a hard obstacle to overcome.
I must compliment the referees who were impeccable in directing the match given the importance. On court, all the boys gave their best: Caldeira, not so loud in attack, has done is job in the back receiving and digging well; Shwarz has not been called to attack much, but he has given an enormous contribution in reception, digging and assisting with the blocking; Finazzi with 7 blocks has been a nightmare for Forli’s attack.
Cazzaniga can do even better:he is our play offs man and he knows that. His was a great performance, he served 21 times in three sets and he hurt them, he played a match like a real diagonal player should.
A statue should be build for Caprotti too: he played an excellent match, both in reception.
Carelii has led the attack well and he worked hard at blocking: a great match for him too.
Held never gives up and his presence on court is always decisive: yesterday a Dutch delegation came to Crema because they thought that was going to be his last performance; Henky will have to find them a place in a hotel so that they will be able to come and cheer the team on sunday!
The atmosphere at PalaBertoni was one I has already experienced, with the audience joining Wild Kaos in their singing and deafening cheering!
I have seen professionals, business men, bank agents, even politicians singing together with them: I can not avoid going back in time.
I hope that many will join us in Forli on sunday: we are going there to play for the final: it will be our mission almost-impossible, but we will try”.