This morning the tricolour court, novelty of this 2008 edition, was finished. Everything is now ready for the Tim All Star Volley.

There has been a last-minute change as Simone Parodi from Verona will substitute the injured Alessandro Paparoni. Italy’s coach Andrea Anastasi said that Parodi was one of the most in-form players of this beginning of season. There will be no less than 9 beginners in the All Star Game, 8 of which are in the Edipower Rest of the World team: Bontje, Bravo, Henno, Kaziyski, Murilo, Nikolov, Rodriguinho, Swiderski. It will also be middleblocker Emanuele Birarelli’s debut but with the Italian national team. The veterans will also be part of ti with Vigor Bovolenta and Marco Meoni.


This All Star will also be the opportunity to see the Italian national team. “We came a long way – said coach Anastasi – The team was going through a difficult moment, we were 10th in the world ranking, and the road to Beijing was very long. At the end of my first year we finished fourth in Beijing, we could have done better but in all honesty, to get there we had to beat some very strong teams like Poland and Bulgaria on the way. This had all started in last year’s All Star Game and will finish tomorrow. It was just right to celebrate, it will be the celebration of Italian volleyball. It will be the opportunity for me to get together with the group, with whom I spent the summer around the world, to try to get back with our mind on the Italian shirt”.



Wednesday 26 November at 8.30pm

Italy vs Edipower Rest of the World

(Roberto Boris – Fabrizio Saltalippi)