Olio Pignatelli Isernia: The come-back win against newly promoted Città di Castello game Isernia three crucial points. The spirit of coach Antonio Giacobbe’s team is now high.
“Above all, we won it with our heart – said a satisfied Giacobbe – our first set was like entering into a tunnel, we struggled a lot, and psychologically it was tough to come out of it. But we fought back with pride and did well to overcome the initial difficulty”. TH coach complimented the group but then added “We have to improve on the consistency in training, because this is a group that has to carry out certain amounts of work load, and I don’t mean more training sessions but a rather more intense work mentally, to be able to give their best. These guys are an amazing group but they’re not used to face situations of psycho-physical stress, from which the teams I’ve had generally have to go through in order to produce something positive”.