Framasil Cucine Pineto: TIM CUP Final Four is going to be played in Roseto, at Pala Maggetti arena. The organisation is up to Abruzzo Volley. President Benigno d’Orazio states “We are proud to organise this event. Of course we feel responsible but everything is going to be perfecct” “They chose our place for its central position, for its wonderful arena and for the the facilities it offers”.

On the 10th of February the manifestation will start with the semi-finals program : Framasil Pineto – Materdomini Castellana e Famigliulo Corigliano – Sparkling Milano. The top of the event will be the prize-giving on the following day.

The society thank the Roseto Comunal Administration for all its passion in turning our region into a “volley – land”.

Framasil started its path in that arena 20 years ago. Now it’s ready to do its best.

(In the photo: last prize-giving)