M. Roma Volley:

Good start for Rome that goes ahead 6-8 after the first time out. Reaction of Taranto that fights point to point and thanks to Anderson serves goes ahead 16-14 at the second time out. Rome ties the score up (16-16) and then goes ahead (18-21) with a great Osvaldo serving round. Kooistra closes the first set in favour of Rome with the score of 21-25.


Hernandez starts to play very well but Anderson accepts the challenge and between the two opposite players the the race is on. Taranto goes ahead 8-7 first and 12-8 after. Slow recovery and reaction for Rome thanks against to Hernandez serves, but at the second time out Taranto is still ahead (16-14). Prisma keeps playing very well and reaches 24-20. At the first set point Anderson closes the set in favour of Taranto.


At the first time out Roma is ahead 5-8 thanks to a Vulin mistake and a Kooistra block on Anderson. Block on Hernandez and Taranto is back on track (10-11). Mastrangelo ace gives a little advantage to Rome that goes ahead 14-16. Osvaldo block, Granvorka error, Savani point and Roma flies to 14-19. Now Prisma starts to have problems, especially with Anderson replaced by Valdir (14-21). Rome closes the set 20-25 with a Zaytsev block (20-25).


Anderson is back on the court. Tofoli starts to serve a lot Kooistra, even if Roma is not able to take a big advantage (7-8). First important breack for Rome at the second time out:12-16. Granvorka has some problems and got replaced when the score is 14-19. Taranto does not give up and the team is able to get really close to Rome. The score is now 18-20. Blocked Osvaldo and score 22-22. But Rome is able to keep up and with a Kooistra ace, Rome closes the match in its favour and goes to the semifinals.

Molteni: “It was a very delicate match. We almost complicated a lot our situation in the fourth set, when we wasted a big advantage. We must be more careful in the future. This is a very important victory for us also because we can now rest for a while before the beginning of the semifinals”.

Tofoli: “We played a good match. Towards the end we did risk a little and Taranto was about to recover. Now we have to recover for the match against Treviso because we still have some players with little injuries”.
Savani: “We are very happy that we have been able to reach the semifinals in only two matches. Now we can rest a little and recover our energies. It has been a big maturity test for us against a team that in a good day can give problems to anyone. We have been good and also lucky!”.