Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo: “We won with the heart” has delcared Silvano Prandi at the end of the match that saw Bre Banca Lannutti winning at the tiebreak against Itas Diatec Trentino (31-29, 22-25, 25-13, 22-25, 15-12) and get the pass for the semifinals.
In Cuneo is time to celebrate: Bre Banca Lannutti is in semifinal and on Wednesday night will play at home against Copra Berni Piacenza. The Palazzetto of Cuneo is hot and sold out, more than 4100 people supported the boys coached by Prandi during the curcial Game 3 of the playoff quarter finals.
“There has been a huge complicity between Giba, Abbadi & Wijsmans. – Prandi said – Looking at the semifinals with Piacenza it will be crucial the recovery of Lasko, out today for a leg injury. Today we played with a kind of emergency team.”
Trento coach, Radames Lattari, congratulates with Prandi and commented the just finished and fought quarters: “Congratulations to both teams and to both fans because they gave us a great show inside and outside the court. I am very proud of my players because they have been able, in any case, to bring the first team of the standing to play Game 3.”
The appointment is now for Wednesday 25 april at 6.00PM with Game 1 of the semifinals against Copra Berni Piacenza.
Piemonte Volley awards the crowd that supported the team during the regular season: for the semifinal matches against Copra Berni Piacenza the prices of the tickets will be the same used during the season with particular advantages for the season tickets holders.

Program of the matches:
Game 1 – Wednesday 25 April at 6.00PM – Cuneo;
Game 2 – Sunday 29 April at 6.00PM – Piacenza;
Game 3 – Tuesday 1 May at 6.00PM – Cuneo;
Ev. Game 4 – Friday 4 May at 8.30PM – Piacenza;
Ev. Game 5 – Tuesday 7 May at 8.30PM – Cuneo
Tickets on sale at:
Piemonte Volley – from 9.00AM to 6.00PM – Via Valle Po, 149 – Madonna dell’Olmo (Cuneo) Tel.0171.413962;
Banca Regionale Europea –
Palasport di Cuneo –

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