Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia: Tonno Callipo comes back from Verona with a great victory, worthing 3 points in the standing and a lot of hope for the rest of the championship.

“Great performance of all the boys, we really deserved this match!” said Nico Agricola full of joy. The victory has actually been really deserved and now the team, besides the three points, has got much more confidence than before.
“Against Verona we played the reight match, the boys showed all the good work done in these weeks. And now the fans can still hope for the permancence in Serie A1 even if there will be so many diffiuclt matches and challanges to face yet, starting from our next match away from home against Piacenza”.
“A special thank from the whole Club to the amazing fans that did follow the team in Verona and cheered the team from the beginning until the end of the match!”.

Spiker Luis Diaz has been the best scorer of the match with 20 points. “We did prepare the match against Verona in the best possible way, and eventually, our efforts have been paid back with a fantastic victory! We made very few errors, and we showed spirit, determination and attitude!”.

Carmen Maduli
Press Office