Itas Diatec Trentino:
Trento, 23rd March 2007

Itas Diatec Trentino is going to play against Cimone Modena in PalaTrento arena for “A2 Derby”.
The match is really important for the situation in the standing.

ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO Vibo Valentia’s loss changed nothing as for playoff zone aim.
Radamès Lattari is quite optimistic. “In last week, we managed to train with the whole team and with determination, despite two losses against Cuneo e Vibo; it is a positive thing.”.
The team is training after the arrival from Calabria to get prepared for next match.

THE OPPONENTS After five losses one after the other, Bruno Bagnoli’s team won yesterday for 3-0 against Taranto. Many injures characterized the team’s life.
Cimone is one of the strongest team in the Champiosnhip: “Modena had many problem from the physical point of view; they are recovering in this period. Bagnoli is a coach who trains the service first of all: it is their weapon”
Cimon is the best team as for the service (150 aces).

PREVIOUS MATCHES Twenty-one matches between the two teams. Ten victories for Trentino Volley, eleven for Cimone.

POSSIBLE STARTING SIX As for Trento: Meoni setter, Nascimento opposite, Gallotta and Winiarski spkers, Nemec (or Heller) and Hübner middleblockers, Bari libero.
It is more difficult to guess Modena’s starting six: maybe Tagliatti at Sidao’s place, Bellini setter, Giombini opposite, Murilo and Felipe spikers, Giani middleblocker, Casoli libero.

REFEREES Gianni Bartolini from Florence and Paolo Lavorenti from Livorno.

RADIO, TV and INTERNET Trento-Modena is going to be broadcast on Nbc Rete Regione live,
For further information visit or
As for TV, Tca is going to broadcast it on Tuesday 27th March.
Visiting or you will have the possibility to be updated about all news.

TICKETS, MERCHANDISING AND COMETA ASMME It is possible to purchase tickets for the match Itas Diatec Trentino–Cimone on Saturday 24th March from 9 to 12 a.m. at Trentino Volley Point, in Via Zambra 11 in Trento (telefono 0461/421377; fax 0461/422700; e-mail:
Lattari talks to supportes. “You can take it easy; despite our bad situation, we are going to play our best to get to our aim. We need you and thanks for all you did for us”.
In PalaTrento arena, two stands Fans Club Cuore Gialloblu and VolleyFollia are going to be organised. You will have the possibility to buy tickets (1euro) and to participate to the project to societies organized.
“Cometa Asmme” (volunteering company) is going to sell chocolate eggs with the prize of 8 eurod. It is an organization helping people suffering from illnesses and their families as well.
Merchandising point is going to be opened as well:typical products and specialties will be sold.

BUS In occasion of the match, Itas Diatec Trentino is going to make a bus available for all supporters who want to help the team.
Marco Trabalza’s photo: Winiarski’s spike

Trentino Volley S.p.A.
Press office

Francesco Segala
Tel 0461-829939, e-mail: