RPA-LuigiBacchi.it Perugia: After the victory of Treviso in the first tournament of the season, the Coppa Italia, it is time to go back to live the matches of the Serie A1 Championship with a great match, between RPA-LuigiBacchi.it and Copra Berni Piacenza. The match will star tomorrow at 8.30PM at the PalaEvangelisti. It will be the eighth return match and not the seventh as per the calendar, due to the European matches the the next opponents of Perugia (Modena and Piacenza).

Tomorrow match will be very delicate for both teams. Piacenza arrives after losing the quarter final of Coppa Italia against Latina, with the score of 3-0. Perugia desperately needs points to secure at least the eight position of the standing that would garantee to the team the access to the playoff. Both teams have some starting six problems. Piacenza should arrive in Perugia without cuban spiker Marshall (replaced by Cruz), while RPA-LuigiBacchi.it has in doubt Vujevic because of an ankle injury.

Eleonora Cozzari
Press Office
Perugia Volley