RPA-LuigiBacchi.it Perugia: This time the only possible result to keep hoping and keep running in the playoff is to beat Sisley and achieve game 3. Tomorrow at the PalaEvangelisti (start at 8.30PM) RPA-LuigiBacchi.it will have to accomplish an impossible mission and try to beat Treviso. If that will not happen Perugia will say goodbye to the championship.
But there is more than one reason to hope. Saturday match, despite the loss (3-2), has given positive signs. First of all it is not easy to take Sisley at the tiebreak, it is already a good signal.
Then Treviso is not at its 100% and there might be also the injury of libero Farina (occoured in Game 1), that will be present in Perugia but it is not sure yet if he can play. Perugia can actually count on its best players.

Eleonora Cozzari
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Perugia Volley