Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: The match between the last two teams of the Serie A2 has been won by Bari that, thanks to the three points, can still hope for the salvation. While Bergamo loses the 13th consecutive match, that could have given new hopes to the boys to leave the last postion of the standing.
Bari did play with more attitude and will of winning.
Bergamo played a little bit better than in the last match against Cavriago, but still with too many errors. And the spirit is still missed and probably it will be really hard to get it back. The team seems not able to take out what they got.

Coach Cominetti started the match with setter Olli, opposite Gadnik, spikers Lafit & Sangalli, middleblockers Finazzi & Burgsthaler and Gelasio libero. Great match for the opposite Gadnik, 16 points scored by the slovenian player, but not enogh for Agnelli. During the match space also for Ale Boroni (that replaced Sangalli) and for Sergio Boroni that did replace Burgsthaler. In the court also swedish player Yngerkog.

Abasan Bari – Agnelli Metalli Bergamo 3-0
(25-20; 25-22; 25-21)

Sets lenght: 22’, 25’, 26’.

Referees: Montanari & Puletti.

Abasan Bari:
Enoch 15, Valente 8, Viva (libero), Gallotta, Marrone n.e., Capra n.e., Coscione 3, Battilotti 8, Minafra n.e., Rodrigues 11, Tomanoczy 14.
Coach: Lorizio.

Agnelli Metalli Bergamo:
Boroni S. 1, Boroni A. 2, Olli 8, Gargano n.e., Gelasio (libero), Finazzi 8, Lafit 6, Burgsthaler 5, Sangalli 3, Bonetti n.e., Gadnik 16, Yngerskog.
Coach: Cominetti.

Serves errors:
Bari 8
Bg 4.

Bari 2
Bg 6.

Bari 9
Bg 5.

Sara Vavassori
Press Office Agnelli Metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457