Modugno-Noicattaro Volley: The A2 experience for Modugno-Noicattaro Volley came to an end. Dagioni’s boys have got 4 points less Spoleto. The loss against Crema was not balanced. Nuzzo and mates played an high-level volley.
Soli 1, Cazzaniga 3, Egeste 7, Elia 9, Martino 18, Canzanella 1, Caprotti (L), Tajeda 29, Held 2, Aiello, Jankovic 5, Saitta 3. Coach Monti Wrong services 13, b.v. 6, blocks v. 13

Salas 2, Santià 6, Giosa 5, Nuzzo 18, Lamoise 9, Olteanu 16, Roganti (L), Orel 6, Meriggioli, Durante 3, Stangoni 7. Coach Dagioni. Wrong services 14, b.v. 4, m.v. 12.

Set duration: 27’, 22’, 26’, 28’ total 1 h 43’ (25-27, 25-17, 25-22, 28-26)
Referees: Modi and Di Caroli

Antonio Rubino
Press office Modugno-Noicattaro Volley