Acqua Paradiso Montichiari: During this week the team has faced the injury of Simone Muti hand, and now also american setter Suxho had a serious injury to his leg and will be out of the courts for quite a long time. After the surjery it seems that it will take at least six months before it will be possible to see the setter back in the court.
Coach Velasco is forced to face the last four matches of the regular season with only one setter: young Simone Tiberti.
“We need points to arrive at the playoff” the setter said – It won’t be easy at all against Cuneo also because they come from seven consecutive victories. The fight for the playoff is still open, we regret the loss against Padova that was not excpeted, so now we need to hit a huge strike against Cuneo. At home we always played well, besides the match against Treviso. Our crowd can give us the help we need and we have to give our very best to make some points against Cuneo. With Bre Banca it will be very important to serve well but most of all we have to try to stop the game of their middleblockers”.
Against Cuneo it will be the second consecutive match in the starting six for Simone Tiberti. “I feel quite calm now. Better than the match against Rome when I felt a lot of pressure on my shoulders”.
Probably also Nicola Giolito will not be in his usual position of trainer but will be the second setter of the team.