M. Roma Volley:
(26-28, 20-25, 25-22, 16-25)
M. ROMA VOLLEY: Mastrangelo 11, Henno (L), Savani 13, Tofoli, Gatin 3, Zaytsev, Molteni 14, Rosalba, Hernandez 8, Kooistra 13, Semenzato 3. NE: Romero.
Coach: Serniotti Roberto.

SISLEY TREVISO: Horstink 6, Novotny 11, Fei 20, Vermiglio 3, Papi 13, Farina (L), Ahmed, Endres 12, Tencati 13, Cisolla. NE: Kral, Winters. Coach: Bagnoli Daniele.

REFEREES: Massimo Cinti, Luciano Gaspari.
NOTES – Crowd 3200, income 19000. Sets lenght: 30′, 26′, 25′, 23′; tot: 104′

ROMA. Sisley Treviso is the first finalist of the 2006/2007 championship, after beating M. Roma Volley three matches zero in the series. Also Game3 does not have history, with Treviso able to win in Rome with the score of 3-1 (26-28, 20-25, 25-22, 26-25).
Sisley starts strong from the beginning. 5-8 at the first time out, thanks also to Rome errors, to Gustavo blocks and Fei attacks. Rome recovers (10-11), thanks especially to the performance of Savani, willing of play much better than in Game 1 and in Game2. 13-16 at the second time out. Roma tries the reaction again and eventually tie the score up and goes ahead 18-17 with a Molteni spike. Treviso goes once again ahead 19-21 but Rome keeps fighting and reach Treviso at 24-24. But at the end a Gustavo ace deliver the set to Treviso with the score of 26-28.
Great start of Treviso also in the second set. At the first time out the score is 5-8 for Sisley. Rome recovers 10-11 but at the second time out Sisley is again ahead 13-16. When the score is 14-19 Serniotti replaces Hernandez with Gatin hoping to change something. Gatin serves very well and his two aces get Rome closer to Treviso (20-23). But the points to recover are too much and Treviso closes also the second set in its favour with the score of 20-25.
Serniotti is not ready to surrender and on the third set tries new solutions: Kooistra plays opposite and Semenzato replaces hime in the role of middleblocker. Treviso seemed to not like the choice and goes down 8-6 at the first time out. The score keeps staying very tight, 15-1 at the second time out. Then Roma is able to score a crucial breack and goes ahead 21-19. Kooistra eventually closes the set for Rome with the score of 25-22.
The victory of the third set pushes Rome also in the 4th set. At the first time out the score is very close (7-8). Still tight the score at the second time out (14-16). But a Tofoli error and a Mastrangelo yellow cards puts Rome in confusion and Treviso flies to 14-20. It is too late to recover for Rome. Sisley closes 16-25 and waits to know if the other finalist will be Cuneo or Piacenza.

HUBERT HENNO (libero M. Roma Volley): “I am sorry to go out in this way from the semifinals. I am sorry most of all because in the three matches we did not improve at all. Treviso is a very strong team that plays strong in each single set, we don’t. Next year we have to restart from the errors made and learn from them”.
LUCA TENCATI (middleblocker Sisley Treviso): “It has been important to close the series in three matches because now we have time to recover energy and injured players, and I am not only talking about Cisolla. The errors made during the three matches became cruciali”.