Itas Diatec Trentino:
Trento, 5th January 2007

Itas Diatec Trentino will play versus Maggiora Latina, tomorrow evening, at PalaTrento arena: a delicate match.
QUI ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO The team needs to be concentrated especially for the last two Regular Season matches. It had two trainings yesterday to keep energies at the top.
Coach Radamès, talking about his boys, says that the situation is getting better after the last tiring matches played. Diatec Trentino’s next opponent is Latina, a good team, tactically able to face any challenge.

THE OPPONENTS Maggiora Latina is one of the surprise of this championship. Gulinelli’s team won really difficult matches and showed an high-quality game. Latina will play next matches with all players despite Grbic’s injury.

PREVIOUS MATCHES Considerino last years matches in A2 matches between Latina and Trento, we have a tight situation. As for A1 championship Latina won only one time at PalaTrento (1st December 2002)

POSSIBLE STARTING SIXS: Coach Lattari won’t change anything: Meoni setter, Nascimento opposite, Gallota and Winiarski spikers, Heller and Hübner middleblockers.
Coach Gulinelli has only one doubt: Mattioli or Zanuto? As for the rest we have Mattera setter, Vissoto opposite, Bjelica and Fortunato middleblockers, Latelli libero.

REFEREES Tomorrow match referees: Lucinano Gaspari and Daniele Rapisarda

RADIO, TV AND INTERNET Trento – Latina will be broadcast on Nbc Rete Regione, at about 6:05 p.m. As for radio, visit the website
It will be broadcast on 9th January on Tca, at 7:55 p.m.
For further information and updatings, visit or

TICKETS AND MERCHANDISING It’s possibile to purchase already-on-sale tickets of the match Itac Diatec Trentino versus Maggiora Latina on Saturday 6th January, from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. at Trentino Volley Point, Zambra street 11 in Trento (telephone 0461/421377; fax 0461/422700; e-mail The ticket point at PalaTrento arena is opening at 4 p.m., gates at 5 p.m.

SHUTTLE Shuttle service will be available also this year.

MINICLUB As for children from 3 to 6 years old, mini club activities will start at 5:30 p.m..
Nella foto in alto scattata da Lorenzo Redi lo schiacciatore polacco dell’Itas Diatec Trentino Michal Winiarski

Trentino Volley S.p.A.
Press office

Francesco Segala
Telephone number 0461-829939, e-mail: