Framasil Cucine Pineto: Framasil loses Game 1 of the Playoff quarter finals. At the Pala Mercatone Uno Fiores wins and nullify (for the moment) the home matches disadvantage. On Wednesday in Bassano there will be Game 2, in which Pineto must play very well to tie the series up and play everything in Game 3 next Sunday at home.
In the first 2 sets there are great balance and fight, but a the final rush is Bassano always able to play better in the curcial points and wins both set. Compliments to Basson able to serve very well during the whole match and with all the players (each player has scored at least one ace) and most of all to use as advantage the bad serves of Pineto. High passing percentage for Bassano gave the chance to the cuban setter Gonzalez to set in a very easy way, giving big problems to the Pineto blocks.
Starting sixs have been been: for coach Fracascia the match starts with Ronaldo setter, Bergamo opposite, Russo and Sborgia middleblockers, Zago & Baldasseroni spikers and Cacchiarelli libero. Coach Dalla Fina answers with Gonzalez setter, Moro opposite, Sabo & Guarise middleblockers, Desiderio and Dalla Libera spikers. Gulminelli libero.

0-3 (23-25, 22-25, 19-25 )

Sets lenght: 28′, 28′, 28′.

Framasil Cucine Pineto:
Antequera 5, Medori ne, Leone , Mancini , Ronaldo 5, Sborgia 6, Beltran ne, Russo 9, Bergamo 5, Cacchiarelli (L), Zago 5, Baldasseroni 6.
Coach: Fracascia.
Fiorese Bassano: Moro 15, Gulminelli (L), Gonzalez 5, Osellame , Quiroga ne, Dal Molin ne, Guarise 6, Sabo 12, Desiderio 14, Guidolin ne, Borsatto , Dalla Libera 10.
Coach: Dalla Fina.

Referees: Amati and Piluso.

Serves (errors/points):
Framasil Cucine Pineto 11/4
Fiorese Bassano 16/6 .