TARANTO: Ricciardello (L), De Palma 5, Valdir, Patriarca 13, Castellano 13, Vulin 11, Felizardo 7, Granvorka 32, Eden ne, Anderson 2. All. Vincenzo Di Pinto.

ROMA: Mastrangelo 11, Henno (L), Savani 19, Tofoli 3, Gatin ne, Zaytsev, Molteni 8, Rosalba 3, Hernandez 26, Kooistra 17, Giretto ne, Romero ne. All. Roberto Serniotti.

Referees: Paolo Barbero from Genova, Roberto Locatelli from Trento.

NOTEs: partials 25-23, 23-25, 25-22, 20-18. Set duration: 25’, 27’, 27’, 27’, 23’.

Taranto: spiking 51%, block 13, aces 11, wrong services 18, positive receiving phase 74% (perfetta 55%).
Roma: spiking 57%, blocks 13, aces 9, wrong services 26, positive receiving phase 77% (perfetta 61%). Spectators 2000. Juan Manuel De Palma (Prisma Taranto).

TARANTO – Prisma won a thousand emotions match, winning against Roma. Despite the absence of many players (Nuti, Anderson, Vicini), Di Pinto’s team played really well.
Serniotti’s stating six: Tofoli-Hernandez, Savani and Molteni spikers, Mastrangelo and Kooistra middleblockers and Henno libero.
Di Pinto (Taranto coach): “ The match was balanced. I starter with the best team because Roma is a really strong team.”
Serniotti (Roma coach): “We got close to victory and unfortunately we forgot the things we trained during last week ”.

Angelo Loreto
Press office
Prisma Taranto Volley