Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: the championship for Simo-Pekka Olli has already ended. The player has been suffering from knee injury for a quite long time now, that did not stop him from player. But now the surgery is not only suggested but necessary also because of the upcoming European Championships that Olli will play with his national team.
So the player decided to go under surgery as soon as possible; for this reason on next Sunday there will be the last match of the season for Olli with Agnelli Metalli Bergamo. The player will leave Bergamo straight after the match to reach Finland where he will go under surgery.

For the remaining part of the season there will be space for young setter Lorenzo Bonetti.

“For me it has been a very important year, the first as setter in Serie A2” the finnish player declared. “I am really sorry for how the things have gone and for the relegation, but it has been anyway a very important experience for me. I would like to thank the Club and coach Cominetti, he gave a lot to me. A big thank you also for my wonderful teammates and for the amazing crowd, that despite the results were not coming, they never stop supporting us!”.

The whole Club, the players and all the supporters want to thank Simo-Pekka for his help and support and wish him the best of luck for his future.

Sara Vavassori
Press Office Agnelli Metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457