Materdomini Volley.It Castellana Grotte: “We had to win this match, we managed but players need to concentrate more and keep calm. They were tense but they played well.”
Coach Travica is satisfied for today’s match against Spoleto.
Captain De Mori at Barbone’s place. Kooistra, nerw entry, and Giuliani.
Pascual and Libraro’s spikes guideed the whole team. The so called “highlander” De Mori blocked really well. “If we go on like this, I am convinced that we are going to reach our aims.”

Materdomini Volley is recovering little by little: ”We have been working together for three weeks. All players are improving and they show this during the games. Let’s go on like this.”
”Bruno played really well, especially in blocking phase-. I am glad: the team is answering to the training’s input.”

Next opponent is going to be Santra Croce on next Sunday