Premier Hotels Crema: Reima and bad luck keep working together this year…
Last injury (righ hand finger broken) occoured to Fabio Soli, is the last of several injuries already happened to Cazzaniga, Held, Saitta, Jancszak, Caprotti, Canzanella, Soli.
A black year.
Today Fabio Soli will go under surgery at the Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia, at least 4-5 weeks of recovery for him.
Al suo posto la società sta pensando ad un palleggiatore che possa garantire un buon livello di allenamento e magari sia tesserabile.
About Tejeda: the venetuelan players is still waiting for the VISA to be able to play here in Italy.
According to DG Michele Rota it should take other 6-7 days to have all the papers in order.