Lube Banca Marche Macerata:


The day after the satisfaction for the achievement obtained seems even bigger. Gianni Rosichini, coach that since 1990 wrote a piece of history very important for A. S. Volley Lube, is really happy about the salvation of his team in the Round C of the Serie B C del Championship: the victory for 3-0 against Grottazzolina away from home gives good thsignals for the final phase of the “Under 20”, scheduled from the che dal 7th of June up to the 10th that will assign the Italian Title.
GREAT GOAL – “For us – the coach said – this salvation represents without doubt a great goal, especially because the goal has been reached by a very young group of people. I really hope that this goal will give us an additional push for the Under 20 National Finals that remains the most important event of the season for my boys.