Sisley Treviso gets closer to the conquer of its nineth title. In Game 2 of the finals, played tonight in Piacenza, Treviso won at the tiebreack against Copra Berni, bringing the series to 2-0. On Thursday at 8.30PM at the PalaVerde of Villorba (TV) there will be the first match ball for Treviso in Game 3. Live on SKY Sport 2.

COPRA BERNI PIACENZA – SISLEY TREVISO 2-3 (23-25, 25-16, 25-27, 25-20, 10-15)

COPRA BERNI PIACENZA: Marshall 17, Botti 2, Grbic 5, Zlatanov 23, Simeonov 19, Cozzi 2, Cruz Goncalves, Bovolenta 11, Manià (L). Non entrati Fernandes Da Silva, Dunnes, Koch.
Coach: Dall’olio Francesco.
SISLEY TREVISO: Horstink 3, Novotny, Fei 23, Vermiglio 1, Papi 8, Farina (L), Kral 4, Ahmed, Endres 7, Tencati 14, Cisolla 22. Non entrati Winters.
Coach: Bagnoli Daniele.
REFEREES: Simone Santi, Massimo Menghini.
NOTES – Crowd 4000, income 51000, sets length: 26′, 23′, 30′, 25′, 14′; tot: 118′.

Copra Berni Piacenza – Sisley Treviso, second act. Game 2 in Piacenza, with the recovery of Bovolenta as middleblocker. Sergio did not make it and keep supporting his teammates from the bench. Bagnoli can count on all his players.
Piacenza must make the match and the amazing crowd of the PalaBanca gives a huge and important hand. The arena is sold out with more than 4000 people!.
The match is on. Zlatanov fights like a lion on every single ball and Copra scores the first break (7-4), Treviso seems to sleep a little and Piacenza is still ahead at the end of the first time out (8-5). But Treviso does not give up and with patience and the serve, that gets better point after point, the team gets back in the match. Fei scores the point that bring his team to (18-19), then Cisolla ties the score up (20-20).
Piacenza is now under pressure and tries to react with Simeonov. But Tencati blocks do not let the attacks paasing through and Sisley closes the set in its favour 25-23.
Another music in the following set. The team coached by Dall’Olio forgets about the mistakes made in the first set and starts to battle stronger than ever. Spirit and attitude are impressing. Marshall finds back his best shots (60% in the set), after an anonymous first set. Treviso is not able to react. At the first time out Piacenza leads 4-8. Sisley situation is about to get even worse, also because Vermiglio is not able to set like in the first set and Bagnoli replaces him with Ahmed. Same thing for Samuele Papi replaced by Horstink. Piacenza keeps playing strong and the sets goes easilly in its hands with the score of 25-16. It’s now 1-1.
The match gets interesting and the pathos keeps growing, especially at the end of the sets. Treviso tries to go ahead (21-22, 22-23) despite the spirit of Zlatanov (8 points in the set). Fei got blocked by Marshall (24-23). The Treviso opposite pays back with the interests. First he blocks back the cuban spiker (24-25) then, scores a very important ace that give the sets victory to Treviso: 27-25.
In the fourth set the team coached by Bagnoli is not able to play like in the third and seems to forget everything. At the second time out Piacenza is ahead 16-11. Set over? Not at tall. Treviso pride is great: by working hard in defense and touching more blocks allow Vermiglio to finds back his best game and Treviso gets closer again. Cisolla has got also the ball that could tie the score up but got blocked by Marshall (21-19).
Piacenza does not grant anything more and closed the fourth set in its favour with the score of 25-20. The match goes to the tiebreak.
Treviso seems used to play in the crucial moments. Sisley starts the tiebreak in the best possible way and at half set Sisley is ahead 8-4 thanks to the attacks of Cisolla and Fei.
Piacenza, more with the heart than with the game, gets closer (10-12) but is not able to stop Treviso that on Thursday at the Palaverde will play its first match ball that is worth the Title number nine. The last ball of the match is for the MVP of Game2, Alberto Cisolla (15-10).

Robert HORSTINK (Sisley Treviso): “It has been a tough match. It was important to win, also because the next match could be now crucial. Piacenza has shown to be a great team, but we also played a great match and we have been good because we took advantage of their errors.”
Leonel MARSHALL (Copra Berni Piacenza): “Keep up with Treviso is always very hard. They are basically the national italian team and beta them is not easy for everyone. We played well and we showed that we did belive in it until the end. But the result has not been good for us.”
Alberto CISOLLA (Sisley Treviso): “I think we played a great match and very fought. Like in Game 1, in some moments, we have not been able to express our best game. But as I already said, in these matches the only thing that count is the result. And now we are ahead 2-0.“
Vigor BOVOLENTA (Copra Berni Piacenza): “A great level match. We showed that we can give problems to a strong team like Sisley Treviso, but unfortunately we have not been able to come home with the result. We will go to Treviso aware that it is going to be the crucial match and that at this stage, we have nothing to lose”