Itas Diatec Trentino:
Trento, 3 January 2007

First 2007 training session for Itas Diatec Trentino. Radamès Lattari’s boys are back at work in order to prepare in the best possible way the match scheduled on the 6th of Janurary at home against Maggiora Latina.
A very important match for the access at the Final Eight of Coppa Italia. “Winning against Padova – coach Lattari said – has been crucial in order to be able now to count only on our results. At the end of the day, pretty much nothing has changed because we knew already that the access to the final eight will depend on the match against Latina”.
“The match against Maggiora – team manager Riccardo Michieletto said – it is going to be a very delicate match and most probably the winning team will go the the final eight and the losing team will most likely has to say goodbye to the final eight. Latina is a strong team. Coach Gulinelli has worked really well in order to join together all the players in a good group. Its a nice mix between the experienced players like Grbic, Fortunato & Latelli with young talents like Mattera & Vissotto. It will be a tough match and we will have the advantage of playing it at home in front of our friendly crowd that will give us its support as usual.”.
Trento-Latina will start Saturday 6th of January at 6.00PM.

Trentino Volley S.p.A.
Press Office

Francesco Segala
Tel 0461-829939, e-mail: