M. Roma Volley: Roma-Treviso, third semifinals match, in a never ending story that seems to have no final result. Treviso has already won 2 matches, M. Roma Volley hopes to win tomorrow so that they can reopen the semifinals in a very bad situation for Rome right now.

Roberto Serniotti thinks about the championship matches, and compares them with the two bad matches played just now against Sisley, last week. «I may be too optimist – the coach has declared – but I think that we can still hope in these semifinals matches still to be played. I am sure, in fact, that the team, in this last phase, has not been able to play as they know like the boys did for the whole regular season. I have the feeling that the boys have still a lot of energies to be used, beside the fact the Sisley did deserve to win the first two matches. But we made too many errors, probably as many as we made during the whole regular season. And of course our errors are making things easier for Treviso, already a strong team that does not need presents from us. I am sure that tomorrow afternoon it is going to be a very intense match, very tight and with Rome that could bring Treviso to play at least Game 4.

Tomorrow afternoon Rome could recover Paolo Tofoli. Stopped in Treviso during the warming up because of a curl injury, the capitina has been visited straight after the match by the doctors at the PalaVerde first and on Sunday morning at the San Camillo Hospital of Rome after, where he did all the exams that excluded major injuries. This afternoon Tofoli will keep up with the healing process at the Villa Claudia Hospital. The doctors could send him back to work tomorrow afternoon. «I am better– Tofoli says – I could make it». «With him on the court – Serniotti says – we could have more experience». «For us – the doctors say – there are no problems, leaving him out from the Treviso match has surely helped his healing process and make it faster».
If Tofoli will not make it, he will be replaced once again by Zaytsev.

The tomorrow match will start at 4.00PM. Referees: Cinti & Gaspari.

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M. Roma Volley