Framasil Cucine Pineto: Framasil is getting ready for the TIM Cup A2 match scheduled tomorrow away from home against Codyeco Santa Croce. The match is quarter final match of the Coppa Italia and the winner will get the access to the final four of the 10th and 11th of February

At the Pala Parenti, most likely sold out as usual, coach Fracascia will play with setter Ronaldo, opposite Alexander Bergamo, middleblocker Russo & Sborgia and with spikers Zago & Baldasseroni, Riccardo Fenili libero.
Il tecnico del Pineto potrà inoltre fare sicuro affidamento sugli altri uomini .

Referees of the match Codyeco Santa Croce – Framasil Pineto will be Montanari and Puletti.