Framasil Cucine Pineto: Pallavolo Pineto announces the arrival of Peter Divis, opposite, class 1978, 198 cm tall. The atlete that played last season with Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia will join the team for the next season in Serie A2.
Coach Emanuele Fracascia is very happy about the new arrival: “We hired a great player, very strong and with a lot of experience necessari to face difficult situations”.

2006/07 A1 Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia
2006/07 A Iaroslav (RUS)
2005/06 A2 Teleunit Gioia Del Colle
2004/05 A1 Teleunit Gioia Del Colle
2003/04 A Jastrzebski Wegiel SSA (POL)
2002/03 A VKP Bratislava (POL)
2000/02 A Tours VBC (FRA)
1998/00 A AS Cannes (FRA)
1997/98 A VKP Bratislava (SVK)
1996/97 A Zirat Banka Ankara (TUR)
1990/96 A Stavbár Žilina (SVK)