Esse-Ti Carilo Loreto: Loreto wanted to get three points but the missinon was incedibly difficult.
Esse-ti Carilo gained only one point against Cagliari.

The team is going to play against Cavriago on Sunday in Palaserenelli arena. The match in Sardegna was balanced and thrilling. On Sunday the team cannot make mistakes.


TISCALI CAGLIARI: Peric 6, Mascia, Sevillano 16, Burbello 4, Francesconi, Fadda, Barbareschi 28, Batez 14, Scilì 11, Cristiano 4, Ardu 1 Coach Roberto Santilli.

ESSE-TI CARILO LORETO: Rodrigues 27, Tobaldi, Pesenti, Tomalino 10, Gatto, Peda 11, Palharini 2, Visentin 4, Pistovic 16, Di Fino, Biagiola, Mosterts 8. Coach Luca Moretti.

Referees: Fagiolino from Gioia del Colle (Ba) and Cataldo from Bari.

Set duration:22-25 (27′), 25-21 (25′), 31-29 (34′), 19-25 (26′), 15-9 (13′).