RPA-LuigiBacchi.it Perugia: Come home with points from the Palazzetto di Viale Tiziano will be important but also very hard for RPA-LuigiBacchi.it, that will play on Saturday at 6.10PM (Live on SKY) against M. Roma Volley. The only match lost at home by home has been played on the 24th of September 2006.
Rome will be a very difficult team to defeat even if opposite Hernandez will probably not be part of the team.
But also RPA-LuigiBacchi.it will not be able to play with all its players. Martin Lebl still suffers from his back injury and did not properly got ready for the match, and there are still some doubts about his presence for the match. But Perugia needs points: there is a seventh position that must be defended with Trento and Montichiari ready to fight with their 35 points and only three match before the end of the Regular Season.

Eleonora Cozzari
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Perugia Volley