Nano: ” At the end of sunday’s match we will have given our best for sure, we will see about the standings at the end!”

“This team’s weapon is balance in its distribution too, I mean there is not diamond player: one day Tamburo plays well and makes the difference, another day someone else does which makes it difficult for our opponents. We do not depend on one player only but the whole team.
I have been celebrating for 4 rounds but I’d rather think one match at the time. We will see what happens at the end of the championship!”
What kind of match will it be against your ex team? “It will certainly be a very difficult one. We are given as favourites for the first time this season so it will be an important test to verify our level and constance, especially of our game. We have been quite regular in 4 rounds and I am hoping to do well against Tiscali given it is my ex team”.
Will you still hold the leadership at the end of the match on sunday?
“We will have given our best, we will see about the standings at the end!”
A clear message, despite the leadership, from Olio Pignatelli they are enjoying the moment but they keep their feet on the ground!