Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: UNDER 14:
Agnelli Metalli is out with honour after the second region phase before the finals. Coach Delia Pirola boys did not make it, even if the target achieved is still good. After the victory in the first match against Credito Valtellinese, the rossoblù did lose against Diavoli Rosa. So in the next round there will be the firsts of each group (Merate, Diavoli Rosa e Crema) and the best second (Asystel Milano).

The under 13 championship ended with a loss for Agnelli Metalli. Against leader Cp 27 B, the boys coached by Foresti did not use the needed spirit and attitude during the match, lost 25-21; 25-17; 25-18. So at the end of the championship Angelli won 4 times and the third last position of the standing.