Another defeat for Monini Marconi Spoleto in this 7th round of the Serie A2.
This time was Codyeco Lupi Santa Croce who had the better of them after going down 2 sets to 0, they managed to win the third set but then gave up in the 4th and final one.
A 3-1 against a formation, Spoleto, that was coming from a negative phase but thanks to diagnal player Fabbiani’s come back, Mattioli and Lirutti’s great performances found a positive result.

In the challenge between two teams lacking in results, Santa Croce comes back playing at the levels it was built for in summer.
Surely, Fabbiani’s come back gave the team a peace of mind.
Monini, on the other hand, still needs to grow at crucial times and has to be able to get over this delicate phase of the season with a coral strenght
Now a break due to the TIM All Start event on the 11th so there is time to think and try to come out of this negative moment.