Modugno-Noicattaro Volley: After the defeat in Corigliano during the weeknight match, Modugno-Noicattaro is already focusing on the Sunday match against Matrerdomini Castellana Grotte, that in the last match lost the leadership by losing its match against Sparkling Milano.
Coach Dagioni boys are getting ready for the match and hopes to end the match with a victory.
The team is currently in the last positions of the standing with 22 points and risks the relegation. Behind Modugno-Noicattaro there are only Bari & Bergamo. Cavriago is one point above and the salvation is 4 points away.
The hosted team will play without setter Fabroni, in troubles for a long disqualification.
“Castellana is a very strong team – Roberto Meriggioli said – with overseas players of a superior level. Despite losing the first setter they are still a very competitive team. We have to play at our very best if we want to obtin some points from this match. Afte the match against Bergamo it seemed that we found a little confidence but the loss against Corigliano put us back in trouble. We hope that we will be able to play a good match and I think that if we serve well our chances will increase considerabily”.

Sunday 28 January – PalaPertini of Noicattaro at 6.00PM
Referees: Astengo Giulio (GE) & Puecher Andrea (PD)

Antonio Rubino
Press Office Modugno-Noicattaro Volley