Marmi Lanza Verona: The gialloblù of Lorenzetti are getting ready to face the home match against the italian Champions of Lube Banca Marche Macerata, Sunday at the PalaOlimpia at 6.00PM.
Gabriele Maruotti, spiker of Marmi Lanza Verona, has declareda bout the match against M.Roma Volley: “On sunday against Rome I did not play a very good match, but I hope that there will be another chance fo me to do well and play well in front of friends and relatives. We really suffers the serves of Kooistra & Hernandez and we made too many mistakes, despite the occasions we had”.
the spiker of Fregene points out the next match in fornt of the home crows: “At the PalaOlimpia arrives Macerata but Verona must stay focused on itself and on its work”.

Francesca Paradiso
Addetto stampa
mob. 349. 57.14.589