Itas Diatec Trentino:
Trento, 28 May 2007

Trentino Volley is very sorry to announce the decision of Marco Meoni that will not play next year with the team.
The Club, did try everything to keep the relationship going on and granted to the setter all the time at his disposal to take a decision with all the serenity he needs but, despite this, the Club did not receive the positive answers the Club was waiting for and now the Club will look a new setter for the next Serie A1 championship.
Trentino Volley thanks Marco Meoni for what he did in the two seasons played with Itas Diatec Trentino, and whishes him the best of luck of his future.

Trentino Volley S.p.A.
Press Office

Francesco Segala
Tel 0461-829939, e-mail: