Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: The team is going to face Bari tomorrow 4th February.
Abasan Bari and Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: two unfortunate teams. Agnelli is at the last place in the standing. The match is for salvation.
Cominetti boys need to be determined especially after the victory against Cavriago.
The situation in the standing is not good and the bad results despite the several trainings cause insecurity. Finazzi and mates have no more time: enthusiasm is requested.
All players are going to show their value.
Coach Cominetti startng six: Sangalli and Boroni spikers, Olli setter. Gadnik opposite, Finazzi and Tomanoczy middleblockers. Gelasio libero.
Lorizio boys have no chance: the victory is the only way for salvation.
The expected starting six: Coscione setter, Tomanoczy opposite, Valente and Rodrigues middleblockers, Enoch and Battilotti spikers and Viva libero.
Sara Vavassori
Press office
e-mail: saravava@libero.irt
cell. 3490847457