Edilesse Cavriago
Edilesse won againsts Codyeco in from of an excited arena. An incredible mission completed by Bonitta’s players. Finally, the team managed to show an high-level volley and to defeat its opponent.
Rodrigues Gil and the middleblocker Luppi, together with the setter Giumelli were the protagonists of the game. On the other side, Fabbiani and Janic played better than their mates.
The wolves suffered in the receiving phase and they made a lot of mistakes in the service phase.
Great joy in the locker rooms for Edilesse.

Edilesse Cavriago-Codyeco S.Croce 3-1 (25/23, 18-25, 25/22, 25/18)
Edilesse: Giumelli 4, Kirchhein 12, Luppi 9, Stagni 1, Gil 22, Cantagalli 10, Peli (L), Carletti, Armeti, Speringo 1. N.e.: Bonini, Bassoli. All. Bonitta

Codyeco: Torre 6, Fabbiani 20, Pagni 8, Corsini 4, Janic 12, Lirutti 2, Pieri (L), Caldeira 8, Fondi, Falaschi, Rocchini 3. N.e.: Papucci. All. Valdo

Notes: Spiking phase: Edilesse 49%, Codyeco 52% -Receiving phase: Edilesse 45% (30% prf), Codyeco
51% (37%) – Service: Edilesse 8 mistakes/9 aces, Codyeco 15 mistakes/ 12 ace

Referees: Silvano Valeriani, Sandro Costantini

Spectatosi: 1.071