Maggiora Latina Maggiora Latina’s supporters are going to watch the derby tomorrow at 6 p.m. M. Roma volley against Latina is going to be thrilling.
Maggiora Latina, with Grbic and Fortunato, is looking for “revenge” against Roma.
“It is not going to be simple – coach Flavio Mulinelli comments – we must be determined. All supporters will help us. Mattioli and Cricca will take Vissotto and Bjelica’s places.”
The match is going to be broadcast on SKY SPORT 2 live from 6.05 p.m.
Al jazeera sport, Sport klub serbia, sport Klub polonia, will broadcast the match between MAGGIORA LATINA – M. ROMA VOLLEY as well.

Onlus Association “Amici della Speranza” in collaboration with Latina. With only 3 euros you will have the possibilità to purchase a ticket useful to win an Easter Egg, Maggiora Latina’s official T-shirt, a ball.

Press office
Rosalba Di Benedetto