Prisma Taranto: Second consecutive away from home match for Prisma Taranto that, after deteating Trento at the PalaFiom will play tomorrow at 8.30PM (live on SKY Sport 2) in Piacenza against Copra Berni Piacenza.
COPRA BERNI PIACENZA – Copra won during the week in Coppa Cev against slovenian team Kanal (3-0), and got the access to the quarter finals of the competition. Coach “Pupo” Dall’Olio has to renounce for sure to setter Nikola Grbic, out for injury already for two weeks. Back at work, but still not at 100%, cuban spiker Leonel Marshall.
PRISMA TARANTO – For Prisma still out brazilian Marco Pavan, out for a curl injury that should keep him out for at least 15 days. All the other players are at coach disposal: opposite Anderson and middleblocker Vulin has recovered from all their problems, and also spiker Castellano.
REFEREES – Stefano Cesare & Giampiero Perri. 999.
PREVIOUS MATCHES: Only 3 previous matches between the two teams. 2 victories for Piacenza and one for Taranto.
TV E INTERNET – Monday Night event will be broadcast live at 8.30PM on SKY Sport 2, also live on Aljazeera, Sport Klub and in the whole world through the website

Angelo Loreto
Press Office Prisma Taranto
Prisma Taranto Volley