Codyeco S.Croce:
Codyeco Lupi: Torre 9, Fabbiani 16, Corsini 2, Pagni 9, Janic 18, Lirutti 12, Pieri (libero), Fondi 1, Falaschi, Vlam, Papucci n.e, Rocchini n.e.
Coach: Valdo

Fiorese Bassano: Gonzalez 3, Moro 16, Sabo 15, Guarise 6, Desiderio 15, Dalla Libera 9, Gulminelli (libero), Osellame, Dal Molin, Quiroga n.e, Borsatto n.e.
Coach: Dalla Fina

Sets lenght: 25-22 in 27′, 19-25 in 25′, 25-22 in 31′, 25-22 in 30′.

Serve errors Codyeco 21
Aces 7
Blocks 7

Serve errors Fiorese 18
Aces 8
Blocks 12

Crowd: 1000

Codyeco played with spirit and attitude and wins 3-1 against Bassano and goes ahead 1-0 in the semifinals series. A very tight match in which Codyeco starts really well and most of all is able to face the very strong serves of the opponent team. They boys coached by Valdo never gave up and recovers from impossible situations, like from 18-12 of the fourth set or from 20-16 of the third, recovering and at the end passing in the final rusch Bassano. PalaParenti played its part. Full of fans and helped by 80 students in Florence for a Studing holiday, arrived to cheer their hero Janic, Mvp at the end of the match. All the crowd did cheer the players during the whole match and especially in the most difficult or crucial moments. For the rest it is important to point out the great performance of Torre, Fabbiani and Lirutti serves simply devastating. Janic played one of its best matches and got rewarded with the MVP title of the match.

Press Office Codyeco Lupi