The yellow&blue a reborn and play a perfect match: for Castellana there is no way out

Spicchio Giallorosso’s supporters are right when they write “Boys, we want heart and skills” on their banner and the team takes it on playing a perfect match and winning 3-0 against Materdomini that will never be able to go over 20 points.
The yello&blue go on court with such a determination and aggression that leaves no space to the opponents who are not exactly the last team on the block and have experienced players like Monteiro and Pascual.
It is a reaction many were waiting for even Valso who kind of saw it coming. Gitto is always present and precious, Oltenau finds the verve of the first few rounds, Ronaldo, supported properly, can finally lit up the scene breaking the opposite blocks, Dalla Libera leads his men and hits everywhere he can, Guarise serves really well and put down some amazing fast balls, Pagotto is on fire and he pick up everythings that comes his way. Everyone is useful including the bench with Marietto Pianese and young Castellani. Stephen Shittu , coming from some difficult weeks gives the performance he is famous for with 18 points and 60% attack positivity, someone said “The king is back”.
Let’s keep going then with heart and skills.

Ufficio Stampa
Bassano Volley
Mauro Sabino