Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia: De Rocco: “Way to go boys! Great job! Compliments for all my boys for the way the played yesterday. Looking desperately and eventually finding the victory after two hours of great volleyball. The victory should not surprise us that much because we are right in the middle of a positive moment, and it is the result of a huge work and the great will of keep playing in Serie A1 also in the next season.
This team is able to find spirit and attitude and will always in the most difficult moments. I asked them to give, from now on, more than what they got. I really appreciated the way the boys always recovered bad situations after a mistake or a bad point, without giving up or surrender. And what about our unbielivable fans with their joy at the end of the match with the hugs and they cheerings. It was an amazing emotion to feel. On Sunday there will be the match against Taranto, a team with strong players and a very good coach. Their serves put in troubles a lot of teams during the season but we will look for the victory also this time!”.

Carmen Maduli
Press Office