Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia:
The count down for the match that it is worth an entire season has begun. Tomorrow the boys will know if the team will keep playing in Serie A1 also next year.
A lot of people believed that there were no chances for us to keep playing in A1 but we are still here, in the last match, fightin until the end. But I am sure that Tonno Callipo once again, will give emotions to its crows and will fight until the very end…. Without any doubt it will be a day to not miss. Tomorrow night there will be an amazing atmosphere….. The PalaValentia must be sold out like few years ago when we were playing to arrive in Serie A1.
So we invite all the supporters to come to the Arena and help the boys to achieve another mission impossible..

Stelio De Rocco: “We need to believe, want and achieve! And we do believe it and tomorrow we will get the salvation.
The most important match of the season has arrived and the team is ready to play and give all they got. We work hard and the great second part of the season. We passed very difficult moments we have the now the last effort to make. Macerata is safe and out of the playoff but I don’t think that they will play to lose. We will have to give our very best starting from the first ball and ending with the last one.”

Carmen Maduli
Press Office