Maggiora Latina: The two return matches of the Regular Season of A1 did start for Maggiora Latina with 2 losses. The first one away from home against European Champions of Treviso with the score of 3-1 (25-20,21-25,26-24,25-13). Second loss, last Sunday, with the score of 3-0 in favour of Perugia (17-25, 12-25, 18-25).
What really went wrong in the last match has been the attitutde and the spirit shown by the boys. The usual spirit was not there. A lot of mistakes and errors and no pride or attitude or will of winning. The fans did not stand this attitude because they think it is because of the wages problems of the players.

Here after what Roberto Rondoni General Director of the Club, said about the situation of the team: “Last Sunday match has not been properly played by the boys. This is what happened. The team was in clear troubles and Perugia did not grant anything to our boys to get back in the match. I am sure that they boys did not play that bad on purpose. I am also aware that Grbic and teammates gave us great satisfaction up to now, for example the access to the Final Eight of Coppa Italia.
It has just been a bad day. It did happen also to other teams like Perugia and Treviso. I also want to point out that, in order to solve this weird situation, the Club has announced a meeting for tomorrow night so that the boys and the fans can solve the problems and be happy again.

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