Tiscali Cagliari: Coach Santilli’s boys conquered the fifth consecutive victory. They beated Pineto 3-1. The team is now at the seventh position of the standing, together with Taviano and with more serenity to get ready for the match against Isernia coached by Chiovini. Now more than ever coach Santilli can count on all its players. The match against Pineto showed great potential also by the players usually on the bench. Starting from libero Fadda that did replace Mascia, setter Ardu that replaced Peric. Great performance also for Burbello that replaced capitain Batez and showed power and precision and scored 12 points. Now Tiscali gets ready to play the next match against Isernia.

Elisabetta Floris
Press Office Tiscali Cagliari
( elifloris@email.it)