Famigliulo Corigliano: “Too much pressure due to the importance of the challenge” plus the normal problems you have when you play away from home”. These are the declarations of coach Alberto Giuliani at the end of the unlucky match in Puglia that yesterday gave the chance to Materdomini Castellana to tie the series up. Game 3 is therefore needed and will be played on Wednesday night at the Pala Corigliano. The match will decided who will play the Playoff Finals and the access to the Serie A1 championship. Corigliano will train starting from tomorrow and will try to get as much ready as the boys can for Game 3.
Coach Giuliani added: «I can garantee that the boys are full of spirit, attitude and motivations. I think that we have not been able to react quickly to some problems and difficulties due to the fact that we were playing away from home and against a strong team like Castellana, that at home gives always its very best, but I am sure that the boys will give everything they can in Game3”. Castellana created us a lot of problems with their serves. They did serve really well and furthermore they did not make too many errors making the serve becoming a big winning weapon. If we had won the second set maybe the history of the match would have been different. But we did not make it so Castellana went ahead 2-0. We also paid the bad performance of Kovacevic». About the crucial third match coach Giuliani is asking for focusing and determination: «Now we have to be good to delete everything that happened in Game 2 and keep only the anger for the loss. Our thought must be only about Game 3. They have more solutions. We have to count probably more on our starting six».

So Game3 will be open to any results. Famigliulo will be able to count on its own arena and especially, on its own crowd that will be awesome as usual. The Pala Corigliano will be surely sold out.
Johnny Fusca
Press Office Famigliulo Volley Corigliano