Edilesse Cavriago: first home match is going to be played against Tiscali. Last time Cavriago lost 3-0 against the team from Sardinia. That time Cavriago couldn’t take advantage from the two injured players Rodrigo Gil and Riccardo Giumelli, even though the opposite, Kirchein, showed his abilities.
On Sunday the team will have all players, including the so called “bazooka” Cantagalli.
Even its opponent, Tiscali, has all players: Peric setter, Batez opposite, Postiglioni and Scil middleblockers, Barbareschi and Sevillano spikers.
These last weeks saw the birth of a sponsorship contract between Cavriago and Solimé, one of the most famous business in cosmetic field.
The latter chose to make an investment, in order to highlight the importance of the development of Cavriago territory, in order to promote sport and fitness.

Saverio Migliari
Press office Cavriago