Premier Hotels Crema: Carlos Tejeda is now in Naples together with Mario Canzanella, where he is living his last days in Italy before going back Venzuela to play with the national team.
Carlos has played in Crema to take Cazzaniga’s place; he showed a great technique.
Before leaving Italy, Carlos wanted to thank his mates, the society and supporters.
“I lived a great experience in Crema: thank you for everything you have done for me”.
Michele Rota’s words: “Carlos helped us so much; we thank him”.

He goes on “Captain Daniele Ergeste is going to play with us next Championship. ”
We talked to him yesterday and he agreed our dicision”.
“Andrea Mombelli is going to be the team manager for next Season”.
As for the other players, nothing is sure.

In the photo: Daniele Egeste.